Currently accepting applications for the 2024-2025 academic year. Contact Us!
How to Apply
Please send your completed application along with a check for $50.00 payable to Summit Campus to:
Summit Campus
c/o Nikki Koppel
37 Fruit Street
Worcester, MA 01609
You also need to have the required documentation (see below) sent to the above address to complete your application. Upon receiving all your information, we will begin the review process. You may be asked to provide contact information for one or more professionals that know your child and can provide us with additional information. Once all the information is received, our admissions team will contact you with a determination on your acceptance.
Your acceptance into the Summit Campus is contingent upon your child being accepted into one of the Worcester Consortium Colleges either as a full-time or part-time student or a structured vocational/career pathway program.
If you have questions about any aspects of the application or process, please either email us at:
or call us at (774) 701-0673
When submitting your application, the following documentation needs to be included:
A recent Psychological or Neuro-psychological assessment report (school or private, see requirements** below).
Current or most recent annual Individual Education Plan (IEP) or 504 Plan and reevaluation paperwork, if available.
Release of Information Authorization form (CLICK HERE FOR FORM)
Required** assessments include:
Intellectual Ability Assessment Results (e.g. WAIS IV, SB-V, WJ-III Cog, etc.)
Academic Achievement Assessment Results (e.g. WJ Achievement, WIAT-III, etc.)
Behavioral / Socio-emotional Profile (e.g. BASC-2, Achenbach CBCL, etc.)
Upon acceptance, download the documents below. Please sign, and send back to us (via email or mail) at or Nikki Koppel, Summit Campus Director
37 Fruit Street, Worcester, MA 01609