Currently accepting applications for the 2024-2025 academic year. Contact Us!
Summer Sessions
Summit Campus offers two dynamic summer sessions built around our core program while incorporating two specialized tracts: Session 1-Extended Year for current residents and Session 2-Pre-College Prep for rising seniors and high school graduates.
Each session will include unique summer excursions to explore Central Massachusetts and beyond.
Summer Session 1- TBD This 5-week session will afford residents the opportunity to enroll in summer classes, obtain an internship or a combination of both. Short-term goals that build on independent living will be established during the first week and re-visited for progression throughout the session. Summer weekends will include seasonal outings.
Summer Session 2-TBD This 5-week session is designed for high school graduates or rising seniors. Programming will focus on college readiness, life skills, and health and wellness. In addition, participants will engage in short-term goal setting during the first week that will provide them an understanding of the full year program. Summer weekends will include seasonal outings.